2024 Election Endorsements

Hello! I’ve been a lifelong civic activist and a staunch, unapologetic Democrat, so let that be the disclaimer here. Quite a few folks call or text me and ask about candidates, and I’m happy to give them my take, so I’m doing it here. Most Democrats share my progressive views, but there’s been a few dud Democrats that fake their positions (closet R’s) or are just dumb or incompetent. I have looked at moderate, reasonable R’s who actually find ways to move forward with progressive ideals blended in to their politics, especially in “red” districts. Take them as you see fit. Although some of these have some national races of significance, a lot of my endorsements are local (WA State issues and candidates).

PRESIDENTKamala Harris. No contest here. Donald Trump, leader of a cabal of fascist goons, is an acrid, seething, unstable, misogynistic, feeble old man that is in obvious mental and psychological decline. What is disturbing and tragic is the foment and hatred he has enabled and given permission for fellow citizens to indulge and actually validate themselves with absolutely disgusting behavior. What serves as his policy is anger, hatred, violence, lies, oppression and angst – and is proud of it. His policies maybe focused, but right in the gutter, using racism, misogyny and disinformation – and sadly, gullible people buy it with glazed eyes and roll right in it with him. Harris – smart, articulate and energetic – may need more focus on policy (and it’s light-years ahead of Trump already). I’d rather go, like Joe Biden, with a heart that is in the right place – the welfare of common Americans. This Trump bullshit has got to fade away, and folks needs to sober up.

U.S. SENATOR – Maria Cantwell – really not much of a contest in a blue state; Cantwell has been a steady presence in D.C. for years. Her opponent, Raul Garcia, a Yakima physician, is a likeable, even cordial opponent – especially as outlined by their debate – but he doesn’t froth at the mouth, make up lies and get folks to hate each other; so he doesn’t cut it with the MAGA crowd who need bloodsport to feel worthy.

US. HOUSE – Rick Larsen, Susan DelBene, Primala Jayapal, Marilyn Strickland, Adam Smith, Kim Schrier, Emily Randall, Marie Glusenkamp Perez. The first six should return, all have been more than adequate in representing their blue districts. Emily Randall will be a good replacement for the outgoing Derek Kilmer, and Marie Glusenkamp Perez will have the most competitive race against MAGA idiot Joe Kent, with Kim Schrier’s race will be closer than the others, too.. That district should retain her and put this MAGA madness out to pasture. A side note; Dan Newhouse has a dogfight against frothing MAGAs in Yakima and Tri-Cities with their Trump lapdog Jerrod Sessler, Newhouse is the only R that’s smart enough to govern in this Red District that rarely flips.

WASHINGTON STATE GOVERNORBob Ferguson. Partly personal, as Ferguson’s office (Attorney General) was efficient, timely and friendly in resolving our cruise line refund and admonishment over their practices. His politics are aligned with this blue state, as well as the working class and women and is a competent administrator. Dave Reichert is portrayed as a “nice guy” and law and order person (he was King County Sheriff when the Green River killer was arrested), but MAGAs chose to nominate scandal-plagued Semi Bird as their man. Reichert doesn’t have the stains that Bird has, but just as much right-wing shtick. He will be much more functional and valued returning to retirement.

PIERCE COUNTY EXECUTIVE – Ryan Mello. Hard-working, intelligent, in tune with environmental needs and quality of life, he is a natural choice to run this jurisdiction of nearly a million people. Kelly Chambers would be great for those who would want to pave Pierce County over (as has been over the last eight years of Dammeier), and a substantial lack of administrative (currently a state legislator) experience at the County level detracts.

PIERCE COUNTY COUNCIL – the council flipped to D four years ago and has been marked with conflicts with the R Executive (Dammeier). We didn’t get much out of Dammeier (with a constant promise of jobs) except greasing the skids on warehouse placements (they’re popping up everywhere) and loosening up development regs – with little parks or open space, choked traffic on farm-to-market roads, a homelessness emergency that isn’t an “emergency” – band lots of lip service. But there were some glimmers with a 4-3 D Council. Most of the districts are pretty much pre-determined politically, except the 6th. Democrat Jani Hitchen is in a competitive race with Loujanna Rohrer, and development, gravel, warehouse, subdivision and other development interests are bankrolling Rohrer big time to get their way with Pierce County. They want to buy the Council again, and Rohrer appears to be agreeable to that. Hitchen has to retain her seat for a 4-3 majority. John Lindboe is a credible candidate, but if MAGA maiden Amy (frightened by a rainbow flag) Cruver keeps her seat in a minority; she’ll be about as irrelevant and ineffective as her predecessor and mentor, Jim McCune. Don’t forget to cast your vote for Rosie Ayala in the blue District 4 and Davida Haygood in District 2 as well.

PIERCE COUNTY SHERIFF – This crowded primary race indicated the discord among the department; lawsuits, wrongful deaths, political and policy infighting, and the embarrassing episode of the retiring (thank God) Ed Troyer chasing down a black newspaper carrier and setting the trigger to dispatch 40 officers. Throw in the Manny Ellis case and the “entertainment”division of the PR department, with premature or too-close-to-identifying victims of crime (including children and mental health episodes) on social media – and the department needs to have competence, character – and healing. The general winnowed down to two candidates, one of them competent and respectable in Patti Jackson. She has broad bi-partisan support, a long career and commitment to the department, and best yet, the endorsement of her former boss, who I respect. Keith Swank has been a perennial candidate (Congress, Conservation District) who hangs his hat on being a Seattle police officer during the George Floyd unrest and CHOP uprising in Seattle. His career lineage, as well as qualifications, are suspect, expect this MAGA in sheep’s clothing to start on the silly “Constitutional Sheriff” nonsense, with most likely an increase of police militarism – even violence – as candidate Donald Trump has encouraged. Take a pass on this guy and let this department begin to function again.

LOCAL LEG DISTRICT RACES – 28th: a plug for Dan Bronoske, Mari Leavitt and T’wina Nobles, all who have served admirably in what has become a bluer district. 29th: Melanie Morgan has had a few bumps, and Sharlett Mena is unopposed, but deserve re-election. The 27th is solidly blue. The 25th (Puyallup) has become a deepening red district, but one candidate, Cameron Severns, may have some numbers to change that. Support all three D’s there.

A plug for the 2nd District – I ran there twice; the district may seem really red, but with Thurston County and an urbanizing area in Pierce County (I had 48.8% and 49.2%, respectively) it can be doable. Erasmo Ruiz won a Bethel School Board seat recently and is taking on deadweight Sen. Jim McCune with heavy doorbelling, canvassing and energy. McCune has been called a “ghost” of the legislature; signifying and doing little, with such ideological rigidity and inarticulate demeanor as to render him useless – not unlike his former administrative assistant, Amy Cruver. (How many “pledge of allegiance” bills can we introduce?) Ruiz may not be a veteran in the political realm, but he brings energy, thought and intellect to a district that he is really quite tuned into and will get something done. Matt Marshall is a MAGA and “Three Percenter” (or claims he no longer affiliated) – but please – pass on this guy – he will be as useless as McCune with a rigid platform and lack of understanding a changing district. John Snaza, former Thurston County Sheriff, may be a better bet, as the only real Democrat, Yanah Cook, was knocked out of the four-way primary by one disguising himself to be one (a tactic employed in our open primary system here).

THE INITIATIVES – No. Just No. On ALL of them. The Republicans, unable to win on ideas and even get a eyeball of a majority with their screwball presidential candidate and farm team, sold their soul to a California billionaire to bankroll these, who moved here to make sure the rich are more comfortable. Again. No. Let the legislature hammer it out, not dictated by a rich white guy and his flunkie, the minority leader.